Thursday, January 31, 2008

VRMan Starting over...

Hello friends. Well some bad and some good news together today. Just wanted to let everyone know VRMan is sort of 'starting over'. This is because of a lot of reasons, but practially speaking it boils down to this:

ALL the old source code for creating my famous older screensavers has ALL been intentionally hacked to death by some nasty people, and backups have been destroyed.

So, no biggie, I'll just start over =) I have lots of project ideas, the ones that weren't stolen from me, and I'll recreate some of the older ones as well.

Here's a screenshot of the famous VRMan's 3D FlightSaver Screensaver:
Also a screenshot of the Flightsaver Settings Dialog box, which I've been told was one of the all time coolest looking screensaver settings dialog in history (hehheh!).